Workout and Fitness

Usually I use the weekend to slack off, but I got a lot of things done this weekend for a change. I worked out both days and stuck with the standard routine. Today is Day 4, or rest day.

However, from now on I will be putting all of workout/fitness stuff in a separate blog called My New Life. I know it’s a corny and cheesy name, but I needed something and that fits. So shut it.

I will be posting a quick blurb daily about the workout stuff as well as a quick snapshot showing the days caloric intakes. I’m not so much interested in “promoting a blog,” but more keeping a diary for myself. So again, head on over there to watch my progress…

I also finally, as well as reluctantly, installed Windows XP onto the empty partition of my new Shuttle PC. I bought a few new games that have no Cedega support yet. Hopefully yet that is. So I installed Windows and I hope to get the dual-boot setup today or tomorrow. That way, I won’t be stuck when I want to play a game that doesn’t specifically work perfectly in Cedega. I just need to setup grub to handle the dual booting and I will be all set.

Onward to day 2. Still feeling good. The knee has been improving, so much that I figured I would try to add a little stationary bike cardio work in after the lifting. I felt good enough to go 20 minutes on the bike’s resistance level 1, and switching to 2 for the last 2 minutes. Only time will tell how well the knee holds up. Mainly tomorrow morning I think…

I also looked into some food/exercise tracking software. I found a decent product called FitDay. They have a free web based tracker, but also a Windows (ugh) version for $30. Feh, I went for it. What’s $30? I’ve wasted FAR more on FAR less.

Feb 10, 2007 Food Statistics

It works fairly well. It has a relatively large, albeit generic, food database. However, it also has the option to add custom food items. That’s a great time saver to add stuff I eat just about every day (fruits, salads, etc. etc.). So far I am very happy with it, even though I’ve only been using it a day. I am again considering moving my fitness stuff to a separate blog to post daily information, but I’m unsure if I want to do that now or not. As you can see, the above image shows I took in less then 1500 calories. I actually need to eat MORE. I usually don’t have that problem.

I am still on track. I won’t give up.

After having a great day 3, day 4 officially rolled in yesterday. Day 4 is a rest day. I was planning on doing some cardio (an hour, hour and a half) but this knee injury is keeping me from that. I could probably start on the stationary bike, but I don’t want to make the thing any worse then it already is.

Today was the start of the rotation again and back to Day 1, Chest and Shoulders. I don’t feel too bad after it, but the day after is always the sore day.

The key is that I just have to keep on plugging away. Failure is not an option.

Sure it’s only day 2, but I’m still at it. Day 1 was Chest and Shoulder day, and today was Arm and Back day. Day 3, tomorrow, should be Legs and Trunk day. Day 4 is rest day, which I will try some standard cardio work, such as a brisk walk or some stationary bike. Like I said earlier, because of a knee injury/problem, I will be mostly skipping the leg exercises for now. I’m going to try to do the exercises without weight and see how possible that will be to start.

Day 1 is usually the hardest. Then Day 2, and so on and so on.

Good workout today. I’m following the strength training section of the Bowflex Xtreme2 manual to the letter. The only thing I will be (temporarily) skipping are the leg exercises. I know they are terribly important, and due to the size of the muscles in legs they burn more calories. However, I’ve been a bit hampered by a knee injury and I don’t feel like blowing that out completely.

In due time I will add them back slowly to really have a complete workout.

Most people hate change. Some people welcome it. I tend to be 50/50 on the subject. Sometimes it is good, sometimes it is bad. But I need change.

I’m really lazy. I have been for a long time. I like to procrastinate on things. “Taking care of myself” is just another item in the list. The time has come where I have to stop being so lazy and start taking care of myself.

For years my weight has gone up and down. The down was easily, I just starved myself. I was and still am more thickheaded then smart. When it comes to overall health, that’s not a good idea. The time is now!

I was going to create a separate exercise/health blog, but I changed my mind. There is no need to do double the work. If you aren’t interested, come back tomorrow when I post something else. It is that easy.

I don’t have a whole lot of specifics yet, mainly because I am still working on them. Most of my efforts will center around weight training with my Bowflex. I have used it off and on since I bought it, but I always take a break. Once I start a break, it was too hard to get things started again. No longer! I am mentally ready for this, and the physical part will come only with time.

Please feel free to post a comment. I know usually no one does, but encouragement can do nothing but help.