
All posts for the day July 5th, 2007

Leave it to Apple to do things different. I swear a lot of their changes make no sense, but they do them anyway just to be different. If you have a MacBook and have no need for OS X (like myself), then you have already installed some flavor of Linux. Just use Gentoo, it just makes sense.

However, the 13″ MacBook doesn’t have Page Up, Page Down, Home, or End keys. Apple uses the Up, Down, Left, and Right Arrows in conjunction with their Function (fn) key. To me, that’s all worthless. Something as fundamental as Page Up and Down. Install xmodmap and put this in your config file:

keycode 108 = Delete
keycode 75 = Home
keycode 76 = End
keycode 95 = Page_Up
keycode 96 = Page_Down

Run xmodmap xmodmap.conf and you are all set. This will remap F11 to Page Up, F12 to Page Down, F9 to Home, and F10 to End. The first one will also remap the smaller enter key near the arrow keys to be a Delete key, since the MacBook doesn’t have that either.

But 2 enter keys. That sounds like a good idea…