
All posts for the day July 2nd, 2007

It is about time. Let us remember that this party started March 16th. As of June 30th, it is now over.

Damned cellphone pictures

I’ll keep the entire ugly story as short as possible. I told original dealer X to shove it. I called again and again with no callbacks. When I eventually called them back, also again and again, the “I don’t knows” continued over and over. I made things short and sweet.

“I will be in Monday. Have my deposit refund ready for me,” says Matt.

I went to another local dealer, and since it was June 30th, they were pushing to make not only month end numbers, but fiscal year end numbers as well. Well, that’s what they told me. Whatever, I got a great deal and in the end got a ton of upgrades from the truck I originally ordered. 2 1/2 hours later, I drove it off the lot. A brand new Dodge Ram 1500 ThunderRoad edition. Please excuse the terrible picture above, I haven’t had time yet to pull out the Nikon SLR, so I took a quickie with the Razr. More pictures to come over the July 4th break. It’s hard to tell, but the new truck is Patriot Blue, not black as previously ordered.

In the end, I walked into the original dealer and told them I wanted my money back. The manager didn’t even argue, he just cut a check. Yeah, that happens often. Someone screwed up big time and doesn’t have the guts to admit it. Be a man you sissies.

If you live in Allentown/Whitehall-ish area and you are looking for a new vehicle, please visit Rothrock and ask for Tyler. Tell him Matt sent you. Nothing but first class service.