
I’ve been using a Windows based (ARGHHHHH) program to catalog all of my comic books. I haven’t really been collecting very long, so I only have about 250 or so books. However, the software made it fairly easy to catalog and store in a database. It even downloaded some basic information as well as cover images. This software was free for quite some time, and as usual, all good things must come to an end.

The company will start charging a subscription rate in 30 days. I pretty much refuse to pay for stuff that really should be free. It’s a decent program, but not something worth 45 bucks a year, that’s for sure. Call it the Dutchman in me.

When in doubt, whip some code out. It only took me a few hours to hack together some PHP and MySQL to get a quick and dirty web based comic book database rolling. It’s not all that pretty yet, but the backend is there and I can easily copy and paste information from the web. The most tedious part thus far is scanning all of the images into the system. So far so good though.

Please, do check it out.

After quite a long time, I finally finished reading Watchmen. I really did enjoy it. Much more then I thought I would. Alan Moore, the writer, does tend to get a little overzealous in some political regards, but once I looked past that, I enjoyed it thoroughly. I will look into more of his work and will most likely pick up The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen series. I’ve already watched the movie, which I know is bad form. Movie before book = bad bad bad.

So much to do, so little time.