
All posts for the month June, 2007

So I did my usual Friday afternoon stop at the Dodge dealer. They really do love when I come in there. It seems nice and quiet until I walk through the door, and then people start moving in all directions to get out of the way. They look like a group of roaches scattering as soon as you turn on the light.

So here is (apparently) the story. In efforts to provide better quality control for vehicles, Dodge has teamed up with the government to do spot inspections on randomly chosen, newly built vehicles. A lotto of sorts.

Woohoo! Guess which lucky person hit their lotto! The good news is that my truck has passed a supposedly VERY picky and stringent inspection. So in theory, I should have one heck of a good truck. That, or the manager at the Dodge dealer can really shovel the old bull chips around. We shall see if and when the truck actually arrives. It should be shipped early next week and I should actually take possession late next week.

He used the word should a lot. I should kick him in the hind end.

Dear Matthew:                                                                                                           
Thank you for contacting the Dodge Customer Assistance Center regarding                                                 
the status of your new vehicle order.                                                                                   
Regarding the Dodge Ram 1500 you have ordered from your Dealer:                                                         
I am sorry to learn of your dissatisfaction with the time which has                                                     
elapsed since your order was placed. The popularity and excitement for                                                  
this vehicle has created a situation where demand exceeds the amount of                                                 
vehicles that can be built.                                                                                             
When your dealer placed the order, a unique vehicle order number or VON                                                 
was assigned. If you would like to recontact us with this information,                                                  
we can then advise you of the current status of the order.                                                              
We would also like to encourage you to stay in contact with your                                                        
salesperson for the latest scheduling information.  Your dealer is the                                                  
best source for all information concerning your order.                                                                  
We appreciate your continued patience while waiting for delivery of your                                                
new Ram 1500.                                                                                                           
Thank you again for your email.                                                                                         
Senior Staff Representative                                                                                             
Chrysler Group Customer Assistance Center