
All posts for the month December, 2008

I use my linode server for pretty much everything. However, one of its main jobs is to house all of my email needs. I have several domains which receive personal email and that all collects on the server. For quite some time, I’ve used “fetchmail” to collect my work mail and deliver it via the local mail server. It would then be filtered and delivered to a 2nd Inbox. I had three total inboxes, one for my main account, a secondary for a backup account, and the third for my work email. The reason for the multiple mailboxes was to make it easier to setup email “profiles.” Using the console based mutt email client, I have setup folder rules. If I am in the work inbox, mutt will use specific settings that I use for work. Mainly reply to address, outgoing name, and signature.

In a nutshell, fetchmail is really a pain. It’s config file is really about the stupidest setup that I’ve ever seen, and all in all, it seemed like a lot of extra steps for something that really should be pretty simple.

Enter getmail. It is the same style program, but is much easier to install and doesn’t require a local server to filter and deliver mail. Instead, it can save to local folders using several different storage methods (mbox file, maildir, etc).

It was time to add another Inbox. This time, I needed to add one to Gmail. So, if you are looking to grab mail remotely from Gmail and store it somewhere, here is a quick and simple getmail config file that gets the job done:

type = SimplePOP3SSLRetriever
server =
username =
password = password

type = Maildir
path = ~/.maildir/.Gmail/

delete = true
verbose = 0
message_log = ~/.getmail/gmail.log

If that is the only mail you want getmail to get, create a ~/.getmail directory and name the file getmailrc. However, getmail has the ability to gather mail from multiple locations using the –rcfile switch, i.e.:

getmail –rcfile ~/.getmail/getmailrc_gmail

Stick that in your crontab and you are off. Last, I just setup the Gmail folder in mutt, and it will periodically search that folder for new mail. For security’s sake, please make sure you chmod 600 everything in your ~/.getmail directory, or snoopy users can see your email passwords.

What can I say, I’ve been busy. Emily is growing and changing so fast that we can hardly keep track. I’m trying to take as many pictures as possible and store them all in my gallery.

I’ve been scanning and scanning and scanning for my Comic Book Database System. It is taking a while, but the geek side of me loves having all of that information cataloged.

The Christmas tree is up, and boy do the cats love it. They think it is a large green scratching post with lots of cat toys hanging upon it. It is quite a party.

The Eagles are still pretty crappy. Although they seem to be headed in the right direction, and beating the Giants sure helped my blood pressure. The Flyers are headed in the same direction, but their constant ability to take games into overtime is certainly NOT helping my blood pressure. Penn State is headed to the Rose Bowl versus USC. That should be a good game. Boise State is headed to the “San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl.” That’s quite a mouthful and a game that very few care about. I’ll be watching. Enough about sports…

Work. Heh, let’s not talk about work. I’ve been slowly working on moving server stuff around at work. Most of the core stuff is all hosted on VMware’s ESX virtual server system. It’s helped a lot and made a lot of things easier on my end. However, here comes the bad part. Previous people that were employed by the district decided to go outside and bring in consultants and have them “look at things.” Well, their suggestion was to have fewer servers, not more. In the process, they migrated every individual server into one server that was supposed to take care of. Thank god the people that made said decisions are no longer employed by the district, and it has taken me years to start splitting the servers up again. It really doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that when you carry all of your eggs in a large basket and that basket breaks, you have a mess of yolk all over the floor. However, spread the eggs out in many smaller baskets, and when (not if, let’s be realistic) one of those basket breaks, you only lose an egg or two. Duh. But, such is life when you work in Education. Again, those people are no longer at the district, and thankfully the replacement people agree that my way is “better.” I’ve already moved our major database system (fund, child, and transportation accounting) off of the main server onto its own samba server. The thing has really never run so well. I am now in the process of doing the same with printing. So far, that is going well too. I’ve moved all of the web services (http, MySql, DNS) onto their own servers and they have been running well for over a year with little or no problems.

Now if I could just ditch the 450 MacBooks we have, I might actually like going to work again…